For final investment decision & submission to financial institution the companyJm McGregor Haggens Inc. has so far carried out preparation of Bankable Techno-Economic Feasibility Report for a large number of Cement Projects based on VSK as well as Rotary Kiln technology with capacity ranging from 50 TPD to 10,000 TPD.
The broad coverage of scope of work for the preparation of Bankable Techno Economic Feasibility Report (TEFR) includes:
1. Availability & Suitability of Raw Materials
2. Market Assessment
3. Availability & Suitability of all Infrastructure
4. Technical Concept and Manufacturing Process
5. Organization Manpower
6. Project Implementation Schedule
7. Estimation of Capital Cost
8. Estimation of Production Cost, Profitability and Financial Analysis
JMMHIhas prepared more than 120 TFER’s / DPR ’s for major cement industries in the Philippines as well as abroad.
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